prior to your hair restoration procedure.
It is important that you follow all of these instructions carefully. This will allow you to be comfortable and to speed up the healing process after your surgery.
Stop taking any medications or vitamin supplements that contain aspirin 10 days prior to your procedure.
Attention! Many over the counter medications contain aspirin. Pain, cold, flu, and allergy medications often contain aspirin.
All use of alcoholic beverages must be discontinued 24 hrs prior to your surgery.
Warning! We highly suggest discontinuing use of ANY and ALL non approved drugs, recreational drugs or others. Including and not limited to, narcotic, pharmaceutical, herbal, hallucinogenic etc.
your in-person consultation and pre-surgery appointment, minimum one day prior to your procedure.
Procedure(s) must be paid in full 2 business days before your procedure. Delays in payment puts your surgery date at risk.
Because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, without any type of sedation, you can arrive or leave the office by yourself!
As a precaution, an ICE or 'In Case of Emergency' contact is required for all of our patients.
Procedure day:
Shower and wash your scalp completely before you come to the office. A bar of soap will be provided for you in your pre-op appointment.
Procedure day: Eat breakfast, but don’t drink much coffee. You’ll just have to go to the bathroom too much.
Procedure day: Do not wear accessories, no earrings, rings, watch. Also please remove all piercings!
Procedure day:
Do not wear any clothing that must be pulled over your head to be removed. Wear shirts/ sweaters/jackets with buttons or zippers that open completely— Bring a change of clothes in case you need them.
If you haven’t wear a short haircut
we recommend you try your new look a few weeks before your procedure, getting used to shorter hair will help how you feel for the next month after the procedure.
Carrera 25 A Nro 1 A Sur 45
Torre Médica El Tesoro, Torre 1, Consultorio 730, Medellín, Antioquia
+57 314 7418831
+57 6019196727
Calle 117 #6a-60
Flormorado Empresarial, Consultorio 509, Bogotá, Cundinamarca
+57 314 7418831
+57 6019196727
All Rights Reserved | HERO Institute