We've done the leg work. Our specialists have the answers to your questions. Read our blog and complete your research!

12 Apr, 2024
You've noticed your hairline creeping back for years now. What once was a nice, full set of hair has slowly thinned out, leaving you with a widening forehead and thinning spot up top. You've tried all the shampoos, supplements, and home remedies, but nothing seems to stop the inevitable march of male pattern baldness. Don't despair - with the right research, you can find an effective and affordable hair transplant solution, even overseas. Bogota , Colombia has emerged as a top destination for quality, low-cost hair restoration. Our clinic, Hero Institute, offers cutting-edge techniques performed by expert surgeons at a fraction of the cost back home. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to restore your hairline in 2024 through a life-changing hair transplant in Bogota.
A before and after picture of a man 's hair transplant.
15 Mar, 2024
Looking to restore your hairline or fill in those thinning patches? We understand – hair loss can really take a toll on your confidence. But here at Hero Hair Institute in Colombia, we believe that a hair transplant shouldn't have to break the bank. Our clinic offers top-notch treatment that rivals the big clinics, all at a fraction of the price. With our experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable packages, now's your chance to achieve the lush locks you've been dreaming of. In this article, we'll walk you through the costs, break down the process step-by-step, and show you why Colombia is the ultimate destination for your hair transplant journey. Get ready to learn why you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for amazing results – it's time to take charge and make your hair goals a reality!
A view of a mountain valley from the top of a mountain.
15 Mar, 2024
In the realm of hair implants, HERO Institute stands tall as a beacon of excellence, pioneering advancements and setting the standard for professionalism and quality care. Nestled in the heart of Colombia, our institute has garnered a reputation as the premier destination for those seeking top-notch hair implant procedures.
29 Feb, 2024
You're starting to notice your hairline creeping back and those thin spots on your crown becoming more obvious. Don't stress. You're not alone. Hair loss affects most people at some point. If you're considering taking action, you've come to the right place. We've got the latest on what's happening in the hair transplant world for 2024. New technologies and techniques are making hair restoration easier and more affordable than ever. In this article, we'll fill you in on the innovative new methods surgeons are using to help patients restore their hairlines and get back their youthful locks. You'll learn about cutting-edge robotic systems, improved harvesting techniques, and other breakthroughs that are changing the game. We'll also give you tips on finding the right doctor for you and what to expect during the process so you can make the most informed decision. Get ready to say goodbye to balding and hello to your new 'do. The hair transplant landscape is changing quickly and we'll get you up to speed on all the exciting developments.
16 Feb, 2024
You've probably noticed those hair loss ads with the before and after pictures and thought, "I'll never have to worry about that." But hair loss can sneak up on you. One day you look in the mirror and realize your hairline is receding or your scalp is more visible. Next thing you know, your confidence takes a nosedive. You stop wanting to be in pictures or go out in public. It might sound vain, but hair loss can really do a number on your self-esteem and mental health. The good news is, you don't have to suffer in silence. Hair transplants are more advanced than ever, and this article will walk you through the psychological impact of hair loss and how modern treatments like transplants can restore not just your hair, but your self-confidence. Get ready to take control over your hair loss instead of letting it control you.
a group of small plants growing out of the ground .
24 Jan, 2024
You've likely done your research on hair loss treatments and decided to take the plunge, hopeful that you can turn back the tide of thinning hair and regain your former fullness. But then the shedding starts, sometimes more aggressively than before, leaving your brush and shower drain clogged with strands. Don't despair. This is a normal part of the process as hair follicles transition and synchronize into new growth phases. Understanding the science behind treatment-related shedding will help you stick with it through the awkward months until those new hairs can sprout. With patience and diligence, you can get through this period and realize the full benefits of proven hair loss treatments.
a female doctor is sitting at a desk using a laptop computer .
19 Jan, 2024
You've noticed more hair in your brush lately. Running your fingers through your hair reveals more scalp than you're used to. You're starting to worry that your hair is thinning. Before you panic, take a deep breath. Hair loss is common, but that doesn't mean you have to live with it. The expert surgeons at HERO Institute offer comprehensive consultations to diagnose the cause of your hair loss and determine if a hair transplant is right for you. Unlike some clinics that provide free but limited consultations, HERO surgeons personally examine each patient, provide a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment options. Their expertise comes at a cost, but it's an investment in your hair's future. Schedule a virtual or in-person consultation today to learn what's causing your hair loss and start down the path of restoring your hair's thickness and fullness.
Hair loss shouldn't be a permanent problem.
26 Dec, 2023
Are your receding hairline or thinning hair causing you distress? Have no fear, you've come to the right place. This is your all-in-one guide to the latest and greatest in hair restoration. At HERO Hair Institute, we're revolutionizing hair transplants with our state-of-the-art Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Robotic FUE methods. Forget everything you thought you knew about hair plugs and toupees, these minimally invasive procedures will have you looking and feeling like your old self in no time. Whether you want to restore your hairline, fill in bald spots, or just get some subtle volume back on top, our team of highly-skilled surgeons are here to customize a solution tailored just for you. In a few short weeks, you'll be strutting your stuff with a stylish, natural-looking mane and a big smile. So stop stressing and start reading, your hair salvation awaits!
Man looking at his scalp
26 Dec, 2023
Take heart—your hair loss does not have to define you or sap your confidence forever. New advances in hair restoration can give you back a full head of natural-looking hair and help you reclaim your self-assurance. You no longer need to avoid social situations or constantly worry what others think about your thinning hair. Hair transplants have come a long way, and now offer minimally invasive solutions with natural-looking results at affordable prices. Why continue to suffer the psychological effects of hair loss when there are excellent options to restore your hairline and your confidence? In just a few months, you can have thicker, fuller hair and put your hair loss concerns behind you. With the right treatment plan tailored to your needs, hair transplants may be the answer you've been looking for to feel like yourself again. Now is the time to take action—your best hair and your happiest self are waiting for you.
17 Nov, 2023
You deserve to look and feel your best. Why not give yourself the gift of confidence and invest in your appearance? A hair transplant is one of the most impactful self-care choices you can make. Not only will you gain a fuller, more youthful hairline and thicker locks for decades to come, but you’ll also reap the benefits of improved self-esteem every time you look in the mirror. Stop putting it off and commit to yourself. A hair transplant is an investment in your happiness and well-being that will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Take the plunge—you won’t regret gaining a new lease on life and a new head of hair! The time is now to make a change and show the world the most confident, vibrant you. Why keep struggling with temporary solutions when a hair transplant offers a permanent fix and a lifetime of rewards? Give the gift of hair and start living your best life today. You deserve nothing less!
a man is looking at his hair in the mirror .
17 Nov, 2023
Are you a diabetic taking Ozempic to manage your blood sugar levels? If so, you may have noticed some unexpected side effects like increased hair shedding or loss. You're not alone - many Ozempic users have reported issues with hair loss, and understandably, it can be alarming and distressing. But don't panic. In this blog post, we'll explore the connection between Ozempic and hair loss, why it happens, and the steps you can take to minimize or prevent hair loss so you can continue to benefit from this important medication. While Ozempic has been proven to effectively control blood sugar for diabetics, hair loss doesn't have to be an inevitable side effect. Arm yourself with the facts and solutions in this guide so you can have the best of both worlds - well-managed diabetes and a full head of hair!
21 Oct, 2023
Friend, it's time to take action! If you have alopecia and haven't done anything about it yet, listen closely. The longer you wait without taking action, the harder it will be to recover your hair.
Men looking at the mirror worried about alopecia
21 Oct, 2023
Act now! Don't let alopecia win the battle. What are you waiting for? Every day that passes without taking action is another day where your hair weakens and falls out. Don't allow your alopecia to progress to the point where a hair transplant is no longer enough to restore your hair. Take control of the situation right now. Alopecia is treatable if detected early, but the longer you wait, the greater the consequences. You may lose so much hair that even a hair transplant won't be able to give you back the hair density you once had. Don't risk reaching that point of no return. Take action today so you won't regret it tomorrow. The solution is within your reach. Consult a specialist, start a treatment, and regain your hair before it's too late. Time is ticking, so stop wasting it and take action now! Your hair will thank you.
men's hairline receding
21 Oct, 2023
A natural-looking hairline often needs some help from science. Hairline restoration techniques have come a long way from the ugly and fake-looking plugs of the past. Today’s technology means anyone can get the look they want with less discomfort, time, and worry. If you struggle with male pattern baldness or a receding hairline, you have options to revitalize your look and regain your confidence.
Steve Carell hair transformation
21 Oct, 2023
Famous people have a lot of pressure to always look their best for the camera, and having a full head of healthy hair is a big part of that. Receding hairlines make men look older and less attractive, which can damage confidence and take away from celebrities’ ability to land starring roles. Hair transplant clinics to the rescue! There is no doubt that celebrity hair care tips help a great deal. Eating healthy, using gentle shampoos and nourishing conditioners, and avoiding harsh treatments are all great ways to retain the hair you have for as long as possible. However, no one is immune to the march of time. Hairlines recede and hairdos thin out. Although many do not admit it openly, many men have undergone these procedures.
Cost analysis
15 Sep, 2023
When you consider taking steps to deal with a receding hairline or thinning hair, cost of hair transplants tops the list of concerns. Can a life-changing procedure like this fit in your personal budget? Before crossing it off the list of possibilities completely, consider all the factors in hair restoration cost vs. hair transplant value. It might just be the best investment you can make in yourself and your future.
15 Sep, 2023
Are you concerned about thinning hair, a receding hairline, or the effects of aging? You update your wardrobe to stay neat and stylish. You upgrade to a new phone to keep up with advancing technology. Why avoid updating and upgrading your look in ways that boost your confidence levels at the same time?
What's the difference
25 Aug, 2023
In a world where appearance and confidence go hand in hand, hair restoration tops the list of cosmetic procedures men choose as they get older. Many look first at Bosley hair restoration review and service explanations. Too many stop there instead of exploring other options. Hair loss concerns many people, and the scientific and medical world has developed highly effective technologies to help. Quality, experienced surgeons and hair treatment teams provide a variety of minimally or non-invasive options that get real results. Once you know the answer to the question of ‘What does Bosley do to restore hair?’ you will understand that they are not the only option out there for you. Careful research into quality results will lead you to a less expensive and more exciting option: Hero Institute .
The best of the best
25 Aug, 2023
Hair loss damages self-esteem and can affect everything from your career to dating prospects. With the new technological advancements associated with quality hair growth systems, more options exist than ever before to reclaim a full and natural hairline.  The Hero Institute of South America in Medellin and Bogota, Colombia and Panama City presents the opportunity to restore your hair for less than domestic prices. Plus, you get an amazing vacation in a beautiful location without sacrificing any professionalism, access to the latest high-tech options, or results.
The Science Behind Hair Growth
14 Jul, 2023
Most people take hair growth for granted. It gets longer, some falls out here and there, and you have to get it cut occasionally to keep your style fresh. For folks who experience male pattern baldness, patchy growth, or excessive thinning, the science behind hair growth and loss becomes much more important. Once you understand the cycle that every follicle and strand goes through, you can begin to know how hair restoration procedures and transplant surgery can make a real difference.
Woman sharing secret privately
14 Jul, 2023
If you worry about hair loss and a receding hairline, it makes sense to consider hair restoration treatments. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions floating around that may deter you from taking the first step. Once you understand how false these claims are, you will have the information you need to contact a quality clinic or hair transplant surgery center and start on the path to a more attractive and confident you.The acceptance of hair loss issues is not an easy thing for many people. However, it is the first step in finding a solution. The world of hair restoration offers so many options for men who do not want to simply give up and go bald. You may worry about your hairline in the mirror each morning, or maybe you have a loved one who does not feel as attractive as he used to. Accepting the problem exists opens the doors to finding the best way forward to an improved look and renewed confidence.
Men haircut
17 Jun, 2023
Forget old-fashioned combovers that make you look like a reject from the 1970s. Men with fine or thinning hair have options when it comes to choosing haircuts that help. The secret is working with your natural hairline and going for increased volume. It is possible to transform flat hair into something much fuller. The following methods are great options to try before heading for a hair restoration specialist.
Stressed guy
16 Jun, 2023
The acceptance of hair loss issues is not an easy thing for many people. However, it is the first step in finding a solution. The world of hair restoration offers so many options for men who do not want to simply give up and go bald. You may worry about your hairline in the mirror each morning, or maybe you have a loved one who does not feel as attractive as he used to. Accepting the problem exists opens the doors to finding the best way forward to an improved look and renewed confidence.
Men thinking
17 May, 2023
As hair transplant procedures become more popular, many men and women have questions about how it all works and whether it is the right choice for them. Today’s high-tech follicle extraction and implantation methods work so much better than surgical options offered years ago. However, this does not mean that you can get a much higher number of follicles safely transplanted at the same time. In many cases, surgeons recommend multiple interventions to get the best results.
Men scared!
17 May, 2023
When you invest so much in your appearance and confidence with hair restoration surgery, you expect the result to look natural and feel great. Unfortunately, too many people end up with a hair transplant gone wrong. This can have a devastating effect on your health and confidence levels and waste a lot of money in the process. Learn the worst-case scenario and how to prevent these issues by choosing a skilled and reputable transplant team.
Woman Getting a Hair Restoration Procedure
13 Apr, 2023
When many people think of hair restoration, they automatically picture men as the main recipients. However, many modern women turn to these solutions to reclaim a full, lush, healthy head of hair. If you are worried about thinning or a receding hairline, there are many options available. Before making your first appointment, take a moment to learn what to expect from a women hair transplant. 
Men having a hair transplant
13 Apr, 2023
The success of your hair restoration depends on proper preparation and follow-up practices. Hair transplant care depends primarily on you following your surgical team’s instructions and all the information shared on the Hero Institute website. The professionals have amazing skills to use the high-tech equipment and their knowledge and experience to transplant follicles and maximize results. However, if you do not do your part for before and after care, you may not get the outcome you desire.
doctor looking at women's hair
16 Mar, 2023
Get the best advice and treatments for receding hairlines in women. Learn how Hero Institute can help regrow your hair and restore your natural look.
men contemplating the future
16 Mar, 2023
Explore the ins and outs of the hair transplant process and understand what to expect and the associated risks. Find out more today.
men worried about hair loss
25 Feb, 2023
If you want to prevent hair loss before a receding hair loss or thinning follicles affect your appearance and confidence, it is best to act early. Millions of men and women experience the detrimental affects of this issue. If you share this problem, your quality of life may suffer over time as hair loss becomes more severe. When you take steps now to identify the causes and stop their effects, you can make a difference. 
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Here are the answers to some common questions. 

General Questions


    Hair restoration procedures provide very natural-looking results. After the procedure, you can opt for any hairstyle, color and length of your preference.


    If your alopecia is androgenic, you can get it done from the age of 25 until the age of 70 (as long as you are generally healthy). Women can get their hairline lowered from the age of 18, and scalp scars can be treated as early as in childhood.


    • Uncontrolled active scalp diseases such as alopecia areata, frontal fibrosing alopecia, lichen planopilaris, etc.
    • Patients with diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure are not candidates for the procedure.
    • Tendency to keloid healing (very thick and painful scarring).
    • Active infection in the donor or recipient area.
    • Hypertension, diabetes or an uncontrolled psychiatric illness

    • People with a very small donor area.
    • People with a very low hair density
    • People with very thin and fragile hair.

    No. The body only accepts one’s own hair. This surgery is just like any organ-transplant procedure because the immune system could reject stranger's hair.


    That depends on the severity of your baldness. The more severe, the greater amount of follicular units necessary to correct the problem. In such cases, it is probably not possible to cover all of the alopecic areas in a single session.

    On average, the robotic FUE technique leads to twice as many follicular units in a single session compared to a manual FUE or a FUT.


    You will see definitive results (when hairs are already actively growing) 9-12 months after the surgery.


    In general, hair in the donor area (the back and sides of the head) falls very little over time. Most men lose 10 to 20% of the hair in that area throughout their whole lives.  Therefore, it is possible that you lose between 10 and 20% of the transplanted hairs throughout the years.


    All hair restoration surgeries are performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. We could also perform the procedure under sedation, with supervision from an anesthesiologist, if the patient is anxious.


    Ideally, wait about 6 weeks after your hair transplant surgery to dye it.


    Transplanted hair does not need medication. However, taking it may prevent native hair from falling, which happens due to the hormone DHT. The doctor will evaluate your particular case and define whether you require continuous medical management, and which type of medication you might need.


    In the post-operative period, we will prescribe analgesics, antibiotics, ice and relative rest for the first 24 hours. You may experience itchiness or redness around the skin in the donor and recipient areas for a couple of days after surgery. The strip technique (FUT or FUS) will cause a feeling of tightness in the back of the head, and you will be relatively physically limited for 3 to 7 days. We will remove the stitches after 10 days, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after a month. The strip technique can also cause varying degrees of numbness in the scalp, which will last for several months. In contrast, you can, with a manual FUE or a robotic FUE, resume your normal activities 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. This procedure does not require sutures, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after 15 days.


    Suspend medications such as aspirin, omega 3 supplements, vitamins, minoxidil, herbal garlic preparations, gingo biloba, and any other medications that your doctor did not personally prescribe between 1 and 2 weeks before the procedure. Also avoid consuming analgesics such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, etc. at least 3 days before the procedure.

    If you are diabetic, suffer from high blood pressure, or have a major medical problem, you should be well controlled before the procedure. If you suffer from psychiatric problems it is advisable to speak with your family practitioner to authorize the procedure.

    If you are a smoker, suspend cigarettes 2 weeks before the procedure.


    Smoking is one of the most common addictions, but also one of the most harmful ones.

    Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues, making healing and the recovery process different for patients who smoke compared to those who don’t ́ smoke. Smoking patients also have a greater risk of complications for a variety of procedures.

    Although smoking itself is not a contraindication for surgery, it is ideal to quit it 2 WEEKS before the procedure. Another option is to use a hyperbaric chamber for 3 days after the surgery.


    We have assistance for non-resident patients. This includes transportation services, accommodation, tourism, clinical laboratory contacts, etc. We do this to grant you complete peace of mind and satisfaction during your stay in the city.

    Contact us for more information.

About Robotic Surgery


    A procedure with the ARTAS robotic system is a minimally invasive hair transplant solution. It uses digital imaging and robotic precision to extract healthy grafts for transplantation. Unlike previous hair-transplant methods, this procedure does not involve removing a scalp-strip from the back of the head. It does not leave a visible linear scar and does not require stitches to close the wound. This results in a rapid recovery and in the possibility of returning to normal activities very quickly.


    The main difference lies in the quality of the extracted grafts. Grafts extracted with the ARTAS robot have the best quality and consequently the highest survival rate of all techniques. Additionally, the ARTAS robotic system eliminates possible human error, which further minimizes the follicular damage rate during extraction. (FUS 25 to 30%; manual FUE or motor-assisted FUE 40-50%; robotic FUE 0.9 – 5%).

    Planning the extraction of capillary units is completely subjective. But the robotic ARTAS system tells us, before the procedure, the percentage of hairs that should be extracted. This greatly minimizes the risk of over-extracting or damaging the donor area.

    Traditional methods are much riskier for patients who ́s hairs have different angles and directions. But the ARTAS robotic system ́s artificial intelligence algorithms significantly minimize this risk by analysing each follicular unit ́s angle, direction and thickness.


    That depends on the severity of your baldness. The more severe, the greater amount of follicular units necessary to correct the problem. In such cases, it is probably not possible to cover all of the alopecic areas in a single session.

    On average, the robotic FUE technique leads to twice as many follicular units in a single session compared to a manual FUE or a FUT.


    Most of the times, you should. The ARTAS robotic system more accurately visualizes, identifies and extracts groups of hairs (follicular units) when they are trimmed. Some advanced hair-transplant techniques do not require a completely shaved donor area. Yet, this should be previously discussed with the doctor. You will receive instructions on how to cut your hair prior to your robotic ARTAS procedure.

Planning My Surgery


    Immediately after surgery, the area where our team worked is going to look slightly red, shiny, and swollen. If you look closely, you will also see thousands of new little hairs standing up where the follicular unit grafts were implanted. You will also have a small bandage around your forehead and the surgeon will likely allow you to carefully wear a hat home. We will provide a prescription for pain medications and some antibiotics and detailed written post-operative instructions. You will then go home to rest, relax, and recovery.


    The answer is, yes, you can. In fact, you can leave immediately following the surgery and fly, drive or travel in whatever way suits you.


    In the post-operative period, we will prescribe analgesics, antibiotics, ice and relative rest for the first 24 hours. 

    You may experience itchiness or redness around the skin in the donor and recipient areas for a couple of days after surgery. 

    The strip technique (FUT or FUS) will cause a feeling of tightness in the back of the head, and you will be relatively physically limited for 3 to 7 days. We will remove the stitches after 10 days, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after a month. The strip technique can also cause varying degrees of numbness in the scalp, which will last for several months. 

    In contrast, you can, with a manual FUE or a robotic FUE, resume your normal activities 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. This procedure does not require sutures, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after 15 days.


    Suspend medications such as aspirin, omega 3 supplements, vitamins, minoxidil, herbal garlic preparations, gingo biloba, and any other medications that your doctor did not personally prescribe between 1 and 2 weeks before the procedure. Also avoid consuming analgesics such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, etc. at least 3 days before the procedure.

    If you are diabetic, suffer from high blood pressure, or have a major medical problem, you should be well controlled before the procedure. If you suffer from psychiatric problems it is advisable to speak with your family practitioner to authorize the procedure.

    If you are a smoker, suspend cigarettes 2 weeks before the procedure.


    We have assistance for non-resident patients. This includes transportation services, accommodation, tourism, clinical laboratory contacts, etc. We do this to grant you complete peace of mind and satisfaction during your stay in the city.

    Contact us for more information.



    Suspend medications such as aspirin, omega 3 supplements, vitamins, minoxidil, herbal garlic preparations, gingo biloba, and any other medications that your doctor did not personally prescribe between 1 and 2 weeks before the procedure. Also avoid consuming analgesics such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, etc. at least 3 days before the procedure.

    If you are diabetic, suffer from high blood pressure, or have a major medical problem, you should be well controlled before the procedure. If you suffer from psychiatric problems it is advisable to speak with your family practitioner to authorize the procedure.

    If you are a smoker, suspend cigarettes 2 weeks before the procedure.



    In the post-operative period, we will prescribe analgesics, antibiotics, ice and relative rest for the first 24 hours. 

    You may experience itchiness or redness around the skin in the donor and recipient areas for a couple of days after surgery. 

    The strip technique (FUT or FUS) will cause a feeling of tightness in the back of the head, and you will be relatively physically limited for 3 to 7 days. We will remove the stitches after 10 days, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after a month. The strip technique can also cause varying degrees of numbness in the scalp, which will last for several months. 

    In contrast, you can, with a manual FUE or a robotic FUE, resume your normal activities 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. This procedure does not require sutures, and you will be able to resume intense physical activity or swimming after 15 days.

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